Use Groovy script in SAP Hybris

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1. Overview

Groovy is a script programming language based on Java, it is used in the Hybris world to create and run some very quick tasks, like cleaning and testing.

In this Article, I will show how to create and how to run a Groovy script in Hybris.

2. Implementation

The following Groovy script publish a HelloWorldEvent, using EventService.

// import here
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.event.EventService

// retrieve beans from Spring context
EventService eventService = spring.getBean("eventService")

// do business logic
HelloWorldEvent event = new HelloWorldEvent("Mouad EL Fakir");


// return result
return "OK"

Refer to this article for more details about creating the HelloWorldEvent.

To run the Groovy script, navigate to http://localhost:9001/hac/console/scripting,  past the Groovy script under Edit statement, and press Execute.

Run Groovy script in HAC Hybris

  • Result : display results returned by the script.
  • Output : display outputs raised by the script.
  • Stack trace : display error thrown by the script.

Change ROLLBACK to COMMIT if you want to persist results in the database.


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